Healthcare Technology Featured Article

October 16, 2020

How Does Technology Improve a Newborn's Health and Well-Being?

They say that the average middle-class citizen’s lifestyle is a hundred times improved over the lifestyle of royalty from centuries ago. Of course, the advancements in housing, sewage, waste management, water, utilities, and overall quality of life have improved our hygiene a hundred times over, which has decreased our exposure to bacteria, possibilities of contamination in our water and food sources. Additionally, technological advances in medicine have helped heal or contain most of society’s diseases as well as lengthen our lifespan in general.

Though there have been a lot of technological advances in the realm of childbirth, the majority still believe that a natural birth is the best and most beneficial for the mother and the baby.

What are the beliefs surrounding this? Let’s take a look at some of them.

1.      Caesarean section births over natural or vaginal births

The Caesarean section, or C-section, is available for women who fear they may have more complications if they undergo the natural process of birthing. However, the C-section is a major surgery, which means that the mother will have to be cut open in the abdomen, stitched up, given more anesthesia, and wait a longer period to have the medicine wear off enough so that she can safely breastfeed. This also lengthens the time she needs to recover in the hospital compared to if she underwent a natural delivery.

Apart from this, going through the birth canal gives the baby exposure to natural bacteria that helps with their immunity later on. This is something that C-section babies will not be exposed to. There are, however, possible complications to childbirth – whether natural or Caesarean. In any case, know that you have rights to your child’s healthy delivery, and if any complications come up, you should seek medical care immediately. When more clarity has entered your situation, you can get assistance from Birth injury lawyers from Hardison & Cochran to help you with your case if you feel there was any negligence on the part of your birthing team.

2.      Infusion pumps for anesthesia

Birthing mothers are often given epidurals via an infusion pump to help alleviate the pain of labor. However, the amount of anesthesia they are given also means they have to wait longer for the medicine to leave their system and be able to breastfeed their babies.

3.      Formula milk vs breast milk

The advent of formula milk has given relief for mothers the world over if for any reason they are not able to supply enough breastmilk for their newborns. However, formula milk does not provide the nutrients that breastmilk does, among these the increased immunity and health to the newborn. Breastfeeding also fosters closeness between the mother and child, which sadly cannot be cultivated when an infant drinks from a bottle.

There are a lot of other technologies that have helped childbirth become more convenient over the years, and they aren’t necessarily harmful or force you to choose one over the other. A mother can have an ultrasonography, pulse oximetry, and blood pressure monitoring and screening that will be helpful before and after giving birth.

Human beings’ overall lifestyles may have changed drastically over the years – yet there are conflicting beliefs over what is best for your newborn. Use your best judgment and talk to other mothers to make the best decision for yourself.

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