Healthcare Technology Featured Article

June 24, 2020

CBD For Anxiety: How Does It Work?

CBD (Cannabidiol) products have warmed their way into the heart of people in recent times. This is not surprising considering the various health benefits of CBD. Even more enthralling for most is the fact that CBD is not intoxicating like its counterpart THC.

The body reacts with several receptors and stimuli to perform its functions. When ingested, CBD interacts with the body’s CB1 and CB2 receptors, to balance the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

This is the essential physiological process through which CBD may help treat some health issues. So, to answer the question, does CBD works for anxiety. Read on to find out.

What Is CBD And Does It Work?

Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, is the second most active compound found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. It makes up about 40% of the plant’s extracts, with the highest being Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the marijuana compound that causes intoxication in recreative users.

CBD works with the ECS (endocannabinoid system), which maintains homeostasis for several bodily and chemical processes to produce health benefits. More so, recent research shows that CBD cannabinoids are similar to those found in the ECS. This probably explains why the body finds it easy to use CBD beneficially.

The CB1 and CB2 receptors are the neural pathways through which the ECS maintains and regulates bodily responses like mood, coordination, emotion, movement, pain, and so on. However, CBD does not bind itself to these receptors, as previously thought.

On the contrary, CBD prevents the breakdown of the body’s natural endocannabinoids, thus allowing it to maximize the use of the naturally occurring ones present in the body system. Besides, other factors like stress can cause a disruption of the ECS and a shortage of the body’s natural endocannabinoids. Hence, CBD can augment this shortage and restore the balance by promoting the production of more cannabinoids and preventing the overstimulation of the CB1 receptor.

Although it is not yet fully understood how CBD works for anxiety. However, it seems CBD’s anxiolytic effects stem from its interactions with the CB1 receptor and the 5-HT1ARs in the brain region.

CBD specifically interacts with the 5-HT1As, also known as the serotonin receptors, a compound responsible for controlling mood and feelings of happiness. The 5-HT1A receptors are believed to play a substantial role in anxiety disorders. In fact, anxiety drugs like buspirone also bind to this receptor to reduce the effects of anxiety behaviors. This explains why CBD may have a positive impact on people suffering from anxiety.

More so, further studies also that CBD may have a positive effect on anxiety by interacting with the brain’s GABA receptors. By slowing down the brain’s activities, it can cause a calming effect that reduces anxiety behaviors during stressful situations.

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about getting intoxicated by any CBD product. Visit this site to find special info on CBD products for anxiety.

CBD And Technology

As the CBD industry continues to expand, a lot of manufacturers are beginning to see the need to incorporate tech initiatives in the production and distribution of CBD. The following are ways CBD businesses have used innovative solutions to solve problems in the CBD industry.

  • Improve CBD Extraction Process: CBD manufacturers are also beginning to explore top-notch technologies like carbon dioxide extraction and sonification to improve the cannabidiol extraction process. This improved extraction process is faster, safer, and more environment-friendly than basic methods of extraction. 

  • Increase Bioavailability: Bioavailability has to do with how much the body absorbs the products ingested. CBD users are usually concerned about the amount they eventually get to use. Hence manufacturers are beginning to explore nanotechnology to increase bioavailability in CBD products.

  • Quality Assurance: Companies are using CBD technology to assure their consumers of high-quality due to the safety concerns still surrounding the industry. Some CBD manufacturers are beginning to use blockchain and develop other similar software to provide accountability for their products. The software also shows how the plants are grown and processed, promoting transparency and safety compliance.

Does CBD For Anxiety Work? What Scientific Evidence Says

Anxiety is a normal phenomenon, and people of all classes and ages may experience it. Some of its known triggers include nervousness, depression, and stress.

So far, the research on CBD for anxiety is still at the preliminary stages. Beyond anecdotal evidence, some of these studies show that CBD may have a lot of potential in relieving anxiety. Rodents were the main subjects of these studies. Clinical studies that were found are few and limited.

Nonetheless, in the growing body of scientific evidence found. Recent research reviews studies done on rodents and humans to see how CBD affects anxiety. The review concludes that out of 49 preclinical, clinal, and epidemiological studies reviewed, only one didn’t produce any significant results.

The results from the studies show that CBD may offer a potential treatment for anxiety disorders. The studies conclude that using CBD in controlled doses may reduce anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD), general anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and enhance behavioral treatment for PTSD.

In another study, that involves administering CBD to mice in a restrictive environment. Results show that the mice took time searching for the safest place to run instead of panicking.

Similarly, a clinical study reveals that CBD help reduces performance anxiety in both people with social anxiety disorder and those without.

From the above, it is evident that CBD offers a lot of potential in relieving anxiety. However, as most studies point out, there is insufficient evidence to adequately prove the efficacy and regulate the use of CBD for anxiety.

While we continue to await further research and clinical trials if you want to try CBD products for anxiety, it is advisable to first consult your doctor for possible drug interactions and safety.

CBD Dose for Anxiety

CBD is yet to have a standard regulation, so there isn’t any medically supported dose that is universally accepted. If you are willing to try CBD for anxiety, you should most likely see your doctor for dosage recommendations.

However, evidence from clinical trials recommends oral doses ranging from 300 to 600 mg, depending on the patient’s weight. Further clinical research is necessary to ascertain the proper dosage for anxiety patients.  

CBD Side Effects

CBD is generally safe for human consumption. So far, there hasn’t been any recorded case of CBD-related death. Nonetheless, CBD users may experience the following side effects:

  1. Change in appetite
  2. Fatigue
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Weight changes and
  5. Increased risk of liver toxicity


CBD offers a lot of potential for relieving anxiety symptoms. Admittedly, there is a need for further studies to ascertain all claims and ease out any uncertainty. However, the anecdotal evidence and the few existing clinical studies suggest that CBD can become a viable alternative for managing anxiety with adequate research and proper regulation.

Author: Dorothy Bennett

Dorothy Bennett is a health enthusiast who writes health-related articles on her website. Most of Dorothy’s readers are people who want to turn over a new life and start living a healthy life but don’t know where and how to start. 

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