Healthcare Technology Featured Article

June 16, 2020

4 Benefits of Drinking Reverse Osmosis Water

How clean is your drinking water? Do you have hard water that tastes like chlorine, chalk, or chemicals? Have you resorted to buying bottled water in order to stay hydrated throughout the day?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider reverse osmosis water. Reverse osmosis is essentially an ultra-effective filtering method that removes virtually all contaminants from the water. This includes particulate matter, harmful chemicals, sediment, chlorine, lead, copper, and a whole host of other impurities which might otherwise harm your health and your home.

A reverse osmosis filtering system can make a huge difference; after using one, you’ll find that your clothes, dishes, and even your bodies will be much cleaner! Read on to learn more.

1. Good for the Environment

So many of us are guilty of having bought bottled water. Even though we know how bad this practice is for the planet, sometimes the convenience outweighs that consideration. If you use a reverse osmosis (RO) filter to get fresh clean water right from your tap, you won’t ever have to buy another plastic bottle. That’s great for Mother Earth!

In addition, RO systems use substantially less energy than other ways to filter water. So this is a smart choice from an environmental perspective.

2. Benefits for Your Health

Among the other impurities that RO processes remove are bacteria and other types of microorganisms. Particularly these days, we all want our water to be as clean and pure as possible. This benefits people who are going through cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, as well as anyone with a compromised immune system. 

It’s not just the most vulnerable members of the population who can benefit, however. After all, everyone is at risk from lead and cryptosporidium parasites, just to name two possible contaminants of ordinary tap water. Lead has incredibly damaging effects on the human body. Cryptosporidium parasites can lead to fever, cramps, and diarrhea, especially in younger people.

Lastly, RO filters remove sodium from the water. As you are probably aware, there is plenty of sodium in the foods we eat, especially for anyone who ever eats processed food or fast food. We certainly don’t need any more in our water! Lowering sodium intake will help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, kidney issues, and liver disease.

3. Better Tasting Water

It doesn’t require an advanced degree in chemistry to realize that removing these impurities will result in cleaner, better-tasting water. You might not sip a glass of water and think, “Gee, this tastes like lead,” but you can definitely taste chlorine and plenty of other chemical contaminants.

The thing is that plenty of people get used to the taste of their tap water over time. When they first have a drink of RO filtered water, therefore, it might taste “off” to them. And some consumers actually want to leave some of the beneficial minerals in their water supply. Those folks should choose a filter that doesn’t remove every single particulate.

Not sure how much filtration power you want or need? Talk to your local plumber, advise the experts at

4. Save Yourself Some Money

Bottled water might not seem that expensive when you put it in your grocery cart at the supermarket. However, even that minor cost will add up over the months and years of your life. Any kind of filter system is going to win, hands-down, when it comes to economic comparisons to bottled water.

What about RO filters in particular? Well, they tend to be less fussy than other filter systems, which means they require very little in the way of maintenance. You will need to change the filters to make sure your water is as clear and clean as possible. That should take place every six months, or possibly more often, depending on your water source and how much wear-and-tear is put on the filtering system.

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