Healthcare Technology Featured Article

January 16, 2018

5 Ways Technology Has Improved the Health Industry

Technology has brought a number of remarkable changes to the health industry throughout the years. It has allowed a number of cures to be created and beneficial changes to be made in treatment and care. With the constant state of improvements and upgrades, it is important to consider where we are today in terms of beneficial healthcare technology.

1.Easily Accessible Medical Information

It has become increasingly common for people suffering from questionable symptoms to immediately consult the internet for an answer to their ailments. This is great for easing worries or providing answers when your medical provider may not be readily available. It can also save you money by avoiding unnecessary doctor visits. However, looking up your symptoms online can lead to anxiety and panic over a simple illness, as your symptoms may be present for a number of different sicknesses. In these instances, it is important to consult your doctor for a professional diagnosis.

2.A Larger Presence on Social Media

Physicians, hospitals, and clinics have made it a standard practice to create an avenue to the public through social media sites. This not only grants them a larger audience, but allows people an easy way to reach out for information from them. They can offer advice or information specific to their practice, educating followers far and wide. Another great perk from this is that past patients are able to leave feedback or a review of the service they received at the specific medical facility, or with a specific doctor. This can greatly help potential patients narrow down a doctor or facility that they feel could best serve their needs.

3.Better treatments, equipment, and medicine

It is no secret that as we move further into the age of technology, a number of benefits emerging. Many would consider that improved healthcare is the greatest result to come from technology. Better equipment has allowed doctors to provide more comprehensive care. Better treatments have increased the quality of life of a number of different people suffering from long-term illnesses. And better medicine has completely wiped out the fear of some life-threatening illnesses of the past. It has also helped speed up research, as well as connect medical researchers from around the world. This has allowed the focus to be narrowed and the manpower to multiplied in finding answers to certain medical mysteries. Procedures have been improved as well. For example, a medical spa in San Mateo County uses state-of-the-art technology for plastic surgery. The scope of qualified technicians and physicians has largely increased, allowing more options with safe results. All of these things are due to improved technology.

4.Faster Results

It used to take weeks or even a month to get the results of medical testing. With improved technology, it is now possible to get results as soon as the lab is finished with your sample. Many hospitals and clinics offer web portals, allowing you to access your results within hours or days. This is incredibly helpful in easily anxiety and providing the answers you seek. These web portals also allow you to access your past medical records, giving you a chance to keep track of appointments, medical issues, and billing. It is a great way to add convenience for the patient.

5.Improved Relationships with Patients

Doctors can easily access a patient’s records, allowing them to provide better, in-depth knowledge about each patient’s medical past and care. Patient files used to line the halls of practices, creating large amounts of paperwork and eliminating the possibility of finding years-past medical records. Now, technology has allowed medical records to be transcribed online, easily available to both doctor and patient. Patients can feel more comfortable with their doctor when he understands their complete health picture.

6.It Helps to Predict Outbreaks

Since many people search online for answers once they begin to feel under the weather, that data actually adds up to create a larger picture specific to that query. Yearly flu outbreaks are a great example of this. Locations can be determined from the online searches and a database can be created that shows the rise in possible cases as well as the spread of the illness. This can be an important step in preparing for outbreaks as well as predicting the outlook for the flu season in future years.

It is an exciting time for watching and benefiting from the improvements being made due to technology, especially in healthcare. It goes without saying that changes and upgrades will come within the next weeks, months, or years, leaving today’s technology in the past. The landscape of healthcare is more fast-paced and patient-friendly than ever before, and it can only improve from here. 

Edited by Mandi Nowitz
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