Healthcare Technology Featured Article

July 18, 2014

Clinicate Provides File-Sharing for the Healthcare Industry

Clinicate, a leading provider of secure file-sharing technologies for the healthcare industry, has announced the launch of its self-named file-sharing platform. Based within the New Orleans BioInnovation Center incubator, it was debuted at The Open Forum 2014, an annual event for ear, nose and throat specialists that focuses on exploring new ways to integrate technological advances into clinical operations.

The service allows clinicians to share medical files with patients, ranging from knowledge and advice, to instructions and even prescriptions. Any relevant file type is supported, including image and video, and can be uploaded, received, shared and forwarded between healthcare providers, patients and caregivers. In addition to content shared by the provider, Clinicate serves as a searchable resource database for information relating to health products and pharmaceuticals.

Clinicate prioritized compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). These guidelines focus on privacy and specify that patient information must be safeguarded to maximize its confidentiality and integrity. Although these are difficult regulations to navigate, due to very high standards, the platform is one hundred percent compliant and assures security akin to an in-person meeting. In fact, it is a major advancement over the controversy of phone communication, which many complained did not offer enough privacy or security to be fully compliant with the HIPAA.

All parties involved benefit with a less stressful healthcare experience because simultaneous conversation is not necessary with each transaction of information, as was the case with telephone discourses and in-person meetings. Providers now can perform these tasks at times ideal for them and patients do not need to procure availability based around the schedule of the provider.

Clinicate is backed by a variety of experts and consultants in the healthcare industry wishing to improve the standards of clinical communication. It is now available for free to patients, accessible through a web app and available in the Apple and Android app stores. For healthcare providers pricing ranges from free to $195 annually.

Edited by Adam Brandt
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