Healthcare Technology Featured Article

July 14, 2014

Flexpoint's Bend Sensor Technology Delivering Results for Haemoband Surgical, LTD

Sensor technology has come a long way, even though the underlying principles governing the operation of these devices are the same. What has changed is the size, materials used to make them, supporting electronics and the integration of these device in many different applications. The level of sophistication of new generation sensors, along with developments in telecommunication and the Internet of Things (IoT), means they can now be deployed across a wide range of industries. Flexpoint Sensor Systems Inc. has developed a patented sensor called Bend Sensor, which has introduced innovative sensing applications in automotive, healthcare and other industries.

Haemoband Surgical Ltd, developer of the first automatic multi-action pre-loaded disposable ligator onto the global market, has applied Bend Sensor in a disposable, directional ColonoScope which is expected to be commercially available during the first half of 2015.

Haemoband approved Flexpoint for Phase 3 testing, which requires the company to deliver 5 screen readers and 60 sensor units, including electronic PCB components for demonstration and market evaluation with selected key doctors. Phase 1 and 2 determined the technology could bend and loop during procedures with the ColonoScope, as well as establishing proof of concept with complete initial laboratory trials.

After the completion of Phase 3, the fourth phase will incorporate any changes with aftermarket test feedback and supply enough units for clinical trials. The fifth and final phase will include signing off on final specifications and plans along with production agreements and full product launch.

Bend Sensor changes in electrical conductivity as it bends, allowing electronic systems connected to the sensor to measure with great accuracy the amount of bending or movement taking place. This unique technology is a single thin, (.005”), flexible plastic film coated with a proprietary coating that provides measurement of mechanical movement, air flow, water flow, or even vibration in many different harsh environments. It has been tested over 35 million cycles without failure, providing reliability the healthcare industry can depend on for very critical applications.

The sensor has been deployed globally providing market opportunities in automotive, medical, industrial controls, health and fitness, security, computer peripherals, aerospace, transportation and consumer products. According to the company specific applications include:  Virtual Reality glove or suit, robotics, machine controls, joy sticks, toys, household appliances and more. 

Edited by Adam Brandt
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