Healthcare Technology Featured Article

May 03, 2013

Downsizing Diagnosis Delays with Calgary Scientific

When it comes to medical ailments, the sooner dealt with the better, and you can’t fix a problem you don’t know about. Diagnosis is the starter’s pistol in the race to recovery. Imaging technology can be used to great effect in this case, helping diagnose through comparison and detect early signs of devastating diseases such as breast cancer in at-risk individuals.

Images are an indispensable resource in early diagnosis, and that’s why Calgary Scientific, a leader in medical imaging innovation, teamed up with AT&T in November of 2011 to provide ResolutionMD: a cloud-based image resource that allows users in the medical community to access the visual aids they need via smart phones and tablets away from their desktops.

On Wednesday, Calgary Scientific announced the launch of the new ResolutionMD 3.2 which promises to minimize certain time-consuming procedures and increase the speed of relevant image acquisition by a dramatic interval. According to a study cited in the launch announcement that compared three imaging resources at an unnamed healthcare institute, radiologists using the new version of the mobile medical app reported receiving images up to ten minutes faster than through the traditional means set up at their institution.

Usage of Resolution MD is expected to save institutions time and money. With larger institutions accessing upwards of one million images per year, the saved time adds up to significant efficiency gained in areas from oncology to neurology and all specialty areas requiring image access.

Features in the new update include fast access to a patient’s entire image history, the ability to compare images side by side in real time, and faster navigation between studies.

Mobile apps that work in the cloud are all about speeding things up and making mass storage available to mobile devices with limited resources. The proliferation of mobile devices in the workplace includes the medical industry, and the sort of efficiency provided by such technologies stands to improve lives beyond the ability to take business on the road. This technology saves doctors much needed time in situations when early diagnosis can save lives.

Edited by Alisen Downey
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