Healthcare Technology Featured Article

April 17, 2013

How Television Can Help Manage Diabetes

Over the past 50 years, the television has changed in height, sound and color, reducing in size from the large bodies to a slim, flat screen that can hang right on your wall. Not only does the television have to compete with the latest developments in HD and design, it also has to vie for attention with any new favorite mobile device – but that’s about to change with a new healthcare discovery that an iPhone can’t compete with.

The new SeeCare IPTV platform has the ability to deliver video content to a user’s television, allowing people with diabetes to access health information that can potentially save their lives. These health literacy classes can be accessed through a television’s broadband connection and has created a new innovative development in healthcare education.

Check out the video below to see a brief clip about SeeCare IPTV:

The health-related video content from Diabetes Australia will utilize SeeCare’s Web 2.0 platform and will be delivered over a broadband network using Ericsson’s IPTV system in hopes that this will connect users with the technologies that are available on the market.

“As we enter the Networked Society, we can expect to see virtually every device connected,” said Ken Clarke, senior researcher from the Institute for a Broadband Enabled Society at the University of Melbourne. “So aside from smart phones, PC’s, and tablets, we will interact with many more devices, such as televisions for information, education, and healthcare.”

The project was developed by SeeCare, a provider of healthcare search and development of advanced social networking technology, in an effort to create a support-management group at home within the community it has created. This is especially important for people with diabetes, as the disease consistently requires daily self-management.

By creating a higher level of health literacy in those that are affected, they will have all the tools at hand to properly manage their health. Doing so makes sense, since we live in an era submerged in having instant access to anything on a computer or mobile device … and now, the television.

For those that are interested in SeeCare’s new educational television platform, click here

Edited by Rachel Ramsey
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