Healthcare Technology Featured Article

May 17, 2012

Who Likes the Cloud? More Healthcare Providers are Looking into it

When cloud computing came along, many feared it would not be secure enough for the storage and management of electronic medical records (EMRs).

After all, it’s all done through the Internet.

But a recent report by market researcher, KLAS states that more healthcare facilities are starting to like the looks of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), as cloud is known.

Fewer resources, the limited hardware expenses (since the cloud eliminates the need for in-house departments to manage IT) , ease of use and growing confidence are making providers think more seriously about deploying the cloud.

“The SaaS EMR deployment model is becoming more popular for providers who want minimal up-front cost and the burden of maintenance lifted from them,” the report stated. “Luckily for providers, there are plenty of good options.”

To find out whom exactly is endorsing cloud, KLAS researchers interviewed 290 healthcare providers currently using a SaaS EMR to see what they most needed from a cloud system – EMR response time, customer support, product quality, and bang for the buck, according to the Health Imaging story.”Providers reported that in the SaaS environment, workflow efficiency is dependent on the system response time (loading time between clocks and browser screen refreshes), and these times depend on everything working together well – hardware, software and Internet provider performance.

If any one of these is not doing what it’s supposed to, response time drops. And frequent software updates and feature enhancements can cause more problems, according to the KLAS report.

But what about data security? We’ve all heard the horrendous stories of breaches of millions of patients’ social security numbers and other personal information, costing the U.S. $6 billion a year. How secure is it really floating in a cloud on the Internet?

Eighty-two percent of U.S. companies trust the cloud enough to use it at least some of the time. However, 54 percent also list cloud security as a high priority. Still, what’s pushing more healthcare providers to consider placing some or all of their data outside the hospital firewall is the tantalizing prospect of reduced costs and the IT headaches associated with it.

“Out-of-the box use ability and overall product quality are important in the SaaS model because the ability to customize the EMR is limited,” the report noted. “These EMR systems can be up and live within minutes. A high quality product that is easy to use right out of the box is crucial to a provider’s EMR success.”

Edited by Brooke Neuman
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