Healthcare Technology Featured Article

July 17, 2013

MDWorkout App Brings Fitness to Apple Mobile Devices

The annual cost of obesity to the United States is staggering. If all the indirect costs are added together, it almost totals one trillion dollars. This includes more than $190 billion for medical care, $4 billion in extra fuel costs, $164 billion job related productivity loss and $14.3 billion for childhood obesity related issues. The issues and the numbers are frightening, and they are only getting worse. Although Mexico is the most obese country in the world, the U.S. is second with 35.7 percent of the population with BMIs of 30 or more, which is considered obese, and with 34.4 percent with BMIs of 25.0 to 29.9, which is overweight. Only 29.1 percent of the population has a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9, which is considered healthy.

With 70 percent of the population overweight or obese, the money spent on diet and exercise products is also in the tens of billions of dollars every year.

One of the best ways to lose weight is to exercise, and the earlier it is introduced in a person's life, the less likely it is that a person will become obese.

LifeApps Digital Media Inc. has an exercise app designed for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad available from the App Store. The exercises on the app are developed along with Venus Ramos, MD, who demonstrates how they should be performed. The pictures of the exercises are available for free, and detailed instructions can be purchased from the apps video management system.

"We conceived MDWorkout from the beginning as an important tool in battling obesity. By working with a medical doctor from day one our concept for the app has always been forward thinking in training routines and nutritional guides that aid users in the battle against obesity," said Robert Gayman, CEO at LifeApps.

The company warns, “MDWorkout Fitness App is not a medical application and LifeApps provides no guarantee of positive results in battling obesity from the use of the app. It is not meant to replace the advice and guidance of a doctor or trainer. You should always consult a doctor before beginning any physical training program."

LifeApps is an authorized digital media company that develops, publishes and licenses applications for Apple iOS, Android and Kindle Fire focusing on health, fitness and sports publications as well as next-generation social networks. The content is created and evaluated by top-tier sports physicians, performance fitness trainers and professional athletes.

The key to any diet and exercise program is to stay on it for as long as you can and not get discouraged and stop. Having an app like the MDWorkout not only provides you with great information, but it can also be used as a motivational tool to help you stay on course on your weight loss journey.

Edited by Alisen Downey
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