Healthcare Technology Featured Article

February 14, 2013

EXTENSION Inc. Extends Notifications for Hospitals

EXTENSION Inc. is releasing a new solution, designed to make care team collaboration and communication easier and more effective. The EXTENSION Engage will be introduced at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), revealing a new system that combines alerting, messaging, and presence.

With EXTENSION Engage, clinicians can maintain a mobile awareness of their patients throughout the entire hospital stay. It also has a mobile user interface, which helps clinicians collaborate and consult with one another, thus getting important work done faster.

Along with the EXTENSION Engage, EXTENSION will also demonstrate its other critical alerting solutions. Among them are solutions for nurse call alerts, electronic order notifications, full report availability notifications, and more. With these, hospitals can make sure to always be at the ready, and alerted immediately when needed.

“EXTENSION Engage was designed using everything we have learned about clinician’s collaboration needs,” says Todd Plesko, CEO of EXTENSION. “For the first time, clinicians can use one app on one device for all of their alerting and secure messaging needs. No other solution can integrate to as many clinical and administrative hospital information systems as EXTENSION, offer comprehensive alarm management, and send secure text messages to IP-enabled devices like Cisco, SpectraLink and Vocera as well as smartphones including Apple and Android.”

Plesko continued: “This is an enterprise solution that addresses both the friction of inefficient communications and the primary causes of alarm fatigue. There is heavy demand for this level of efficient collaboration in nearly every hospital in the U.S. and beyond and we’re very excited to be the first to launch both alerting and messaging on all the prevailing devices used by clinicians today.”

With a combination of alerting, messaging, and presence, clinicians can always keep up to date with their patients. That can make the difference between life and death in a hospital situation, and if that extra minute of notification can save a life, it’s always worthwhile.

Edited by Rich Steeves
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