Healthcare Technology Featured Article

February 13, 2024

The Benefits Of Assistive Technology

As the global population continues to age, the need for assistive technology becomes increasingly vital. Assistive technology encompasses a wide range of products and services designed to improve the quality of life for older adults and individuals with mobility challenges.

In this article, we will focus on the benefits of two essential assistive devices: mobility scooters and wheelchairs. These devices offer enhanced mobility, independence, and a better overall quality of life for seniors and disabled people. 

Improved Mobility

One of the primary advantages of mobility scooters and wheelchairs is the restoration of mobility for older adults who may face difficulties walking or moving independently. These devices provide a practical solution for those who want to maintain an active lifestyle and stay engaged in their communities.

Mobility scooters are user-friendly and easy to operate, offering a comfortable and stable mode of transportation. With the ability to cover various terrains, including pavements and uneven surfaces, users can regain their freedom to move around independently.

Wheelchairs also offer great versatility. Manual wheelchairs empower individuals to propel themselves, promoting physical activity and exercise. Power wheelchairs provide added convenience, allowing individuals to navigate effortlessly, even in crowded or hilly areas.

Enhanced Independence

Independence is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a high quality of life as we age. Assistive technology, such as mobility scooters and wheelchairs, plays a significant role in preserving independence.

With a mobility scooter or wheelchair, users can perform daily activities without relying on others for assistance. They can go shopping, visit friends and family, attend social events, and enjoy outdoor activities like gardening or strolling in the park—all independently.

The ability to move freely without assistance promotes a sense of autonomy and self-reliance, contributing to overall emotional well-being.

Social Engagement

Isolation and loneliness can be common challenges for those who require additional support, but assistive technology can help mitigate these issues. Mobility scooters and wheelchairs facilitate social engagement by allowing users to participate in community activities and maintain social connections.

They can join clubs, attend religious services, and participate in local events, knowing that they have the means to get there independently. This fosters a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation, improving mental and emotional health.

Health Benefits

Maintaining physical activity and independence through the use of mobility scooters and wheelchairs can have positive effects on overall health. Regular movement and exercise are crucial for keeping muscles and joints healthy, preventing stiffness and reducing the risk of falls.

Additionally, the ability to go outdoors and enjoy fresh air and sunshine promotes mental and emotional well-being. Those who use assistive technology are likelier to remain active and engaged in life, leading to better physical and mental health outcomes.

Safety and Comfort

Safety is a top priority, and mobility scooters and wheelchairs are designed with safety features to provide peace of mind. These devices offer stability, control, and ergonomic seating to ensure a comfortable and secure ride.

Mobility scooters often have safety features such as anti-tip wheels, adjustable speed settings, and responsive brakes. Wheelchairs are designed with user comfort in mind, with options for cushioned seats, adjustable armrests, and reclining capabilities.


The WHO and UNICEF Global released a report in 2022 on assistive technology highlighting that out of 80 million people who need a wheelchair, just 5-35% have one, depending on their country of residence. Barriers to getting the assistive technology they need include high costs, low awareness of the products, inadequate product ranges, and sociodemographic obstacles. 

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is emphasising the need for universal health coverage and a ‘leaving no one behind’ mentality. Some priority recommendations from the report to steer governments to improve the welfare of their disabled citizens include improving access to assistive technology, ensuring safe and affordable products, raising public awareness, and creating enabling environments, among many others. 


Assistive technology, including mobility scooters and wheelchairs, offers many benefits for the elderly. These devices not only enhance mobility but also promote independence, social engagement, and overall well-being. People who embrace these technologies experience improved quality of life, enabling them to lead active, fulfilling, and independent lives - and with improvements to accessibility of these products, we should see more individuals benefitting from this. 

Investing in these devices empowers older adults to live on their terms, stay connected with their communities, and enjoy their lives to the fullest. It is a testament to the progress of technology that we can provide such essential tools to support the elderly or disabled in leading vibrant and fulfilling lives.

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