Healthcare Technology Featured Article

December 14, 2023

Red Light Therapy Medical Advice

Recent clinical data suggests that red light therapy may help with problems like muscle pain, inflammation, and acne, making it a promising way to treat these conditions.

Even though the results are good, it is important to remember that many studies may have been skewed by conflicts of interest or have problems that make them incomplete.

Red light therapy seems to be a safe and effective treatment, but more study is needed to understand how it affects health in the long term.

Red Light Therapy and its Working Mechanism: An Overview

Red light treatment uses low-level wavelengths of red or near-infrared (NIR) light that is directed at specific body parts or large areas of the body. It is a non-invasive method.

During treatment, molecules in skin cells that are responsive to light absorb photons, which are single units of light. In the context of red light treatment, this absorption process helps reduce inflammation, speed up tissue repair, and make skin healing easier.

The Possible Benefits You’ll Get From Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy appears to be an astounding way to help people, as it might improve the look of skin and speed up the healing of wounds, among other things.

Helps with Muscle Pain and Swelling

Studies that looked at how red light treatment affected muscle tissue show that it has the potential to heal and grow damaged muscles. A red light that is used before or after exercise has shown promise in improving sports performance.

The review points out some good results, like more muscle mass and less inflammation, but it also points out some problems, like the fact that it only used one scientific medical database to choose and analyze studies.

Even though there wasn't a comparative study, the results point to possible benefits that should be looked into further.

Boosts Skin Health

Researchers have found that red light treatment might help improve the look and feel of skin. A study with 136 people found that red light treatment improved collagen density and made fine lines, wrinkles, and rough skin less noticeable.

Although the results were good, it is important to remember that the study was paid for by a company that makes light treatments. This shows how important it is for more independent research to be done.

Another study backs up the safe and successful use of red light therapy on the skin by showing that it can start cell-signaling pathways that help cells heal, especially skin cells that are low on oxygen or stressed. These results point to a possible way to improve the overall look of skin.

Deals with Acne

Research shows that red light therapy may be able to help treat acne. When you put it on your skin, it lowers inflammation and speeds up the turnover of keratinocytes, which are the main type of skin cells in the top layer of our skin.

There is also a study on using both red and blue light together to treat mild to moderate acne.

Helps to Reduce Fat

Red light therapy, especially when done with lasers, is often used in body contouring procedures that aim to get rid of fat in certain areas, like the arms, buttocks, thighs, and belly.

However, the clinical results are not all positive. Some studies show significant drops in body fat, while others show no significant changes. Some studies have flaws in their methodology or were funded by the business, which makes the evaluation even more difficult. This shows that we need more evidence to definitively confirm this possible benefit.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

One of the biggest benefits of following a comprehensive muscle recovery plan is improved blood flow and heart health. The combination of proper hydration, nutrition, and active recovery practices like stretching and foam rolling can enhance circulation, which is crucial for cardiovascular health. This improved circulation can lead to a reduction in Exercise Induced ECG Abnormalities, a phenomenon often observed in athletes.

Helps with Wounds

A lot of research has been done on red light treatment to find out how it helps wounds heal. Four studies were looked at together, and 131 people with diabetic foot ulcers were included. The results showed that red light treatment helped heal the wounds without having any major side effects. These findings show that red light therapy might help heal diabetic foot ulcers and other kinds of wounds.

Bottom Line

Red light therapy has the potential for many health benefits, like relieving muscle pain, improving skin tone, and speeding up the healing of wounds.

However, it is best to talk to a medical expert before using it. The fact that study is always changing makes it even more important to get advice from experts in order to get personalized suggestions.

Therefore, before you go getting yourself a red light therapy device, always look for the ones that are authentic and take suggestions from an expert for the best results.

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