Healthcare Technology Featured Article

February 07, 2013

Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Signed by Oxygen Biotherapeutics and US Army Research Institute

It was announced today that Oxygen Biotherapeutics (OXBT) and the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR) have signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

With the aim of exploring the effects of OXBT’s proprietary perfluorocarbon-based emulsion, Oxycyte, on platelet function and blood hemostasis, the CRADA will complement ongoing Department of Defense-funded research into the treatment of brain injuries with perfluorocarbon-based emulsions.

Although the mechanism by which the transient decline in circulating platelet counts occurs in response to such perfluorocarbon-base emulsion is not yet fully understood – and its impact on both pathway coagulation and clinical outcomes is still the subject of much debate – recent in-vitro studies at Boston’s Children’s Hospital have demonstrated that Oxycyte has little effect on the function or activation of platelets, according to Yahoo.

Research conducted under this latest CRADA will investigate how Oxycyte changes platelet activation, adhesion or aggregation in a systemic inflammation model. Evaluations of platelet activity and blood clotting functions will be conducted by researchers ex vivo, and will include consideration of receptor expression and distribution, and aggregation in response to agonists.

These preclinical tests will generally be made in response to FDA concerns about perfluorocarbon-base emulsions.

President and chief financial officer at OBXT, Michael Jebsen, explained that this work was important because it would help them to better understand the mechanisms associated with platelet count declines in response to the administration of Oxycyte, and because it would ally concerns the FDA have around perfluorocarbon-based drugs and treatment.

Data is already mounting from ongoing studies into platelet function and immune-competence to have Oxycyte moved back into clinical trials.

Jebsen went on to express how pleased they were to be working with the research team at Fort Sam Houston, as their research team already has a strong working relationship with Texas Biomedical Research Institute through their previous Oxycyte research.

Edited by Braden Becker
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